Piper’s Party

We had a birthday party for Piper and all her friends.  Luckily we missed the 100 degree heat by a day!  We had a bouncy house and a craft table set up.  After dinner the kids tried breaking open a pinata.  It took several rounds of hitting it but Piper was the one who finally opened it.  Then the kids sang happy birthday.We had a banner made for this special occasion that captured all of her birthdays.A serious expressionPiper and Ameliawith Chloe at the craft table.  Everyone painted and decorated a frame to take homePiñata Time!

Singing Happy BirthdayWith her good friend MikePresent time!with DeclanYummy cupcakes!

4 thoughts on “Piper’s Party

  1. Wow! What a wonderful party you had! It was so nice talking to you and Daddy last evening on the phone and hearing all about your birthday week, too.
    Much love always+

  2. Oh, Piper, it looks like you had a very fun party with all of your friends!! I loved all of the decorations and you looked so pretty in your party dress. I’m sure that you had a great time celebrating your 5th birthday!!
    Lots of love.

  3. We really enjoyed seeing all the pictures from your party Piper. The banner is adorable and so are the decorations that you and mommy made together. You really had a great birthday! We love you sweet girl!!

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