Sad Good-byes

Over the weekend we said good-bye to Aunt Susie and Uncle Jack.  We had so much fun doing many things during their visit.  We hope they visit again soon!

Today we said good-bye to Grandpa.  It was sad seeing him go and hard for the kids.  Our time went so fast!  We hope Grandpa visits again very soon too.  Piper is counting the days.DSC_0289

2 thoughts on “Sad Good-byes

  1. We had such a wonderful time with all of you – thank you for your warm hospitality! We, too, hope that we will be able to return some time soon.
    Love to all of you!

  2. Dear Piper and Andrew, Thank you for a wonderful visit. I already miss you guys and all the fun we had-shooting the stomp rockets with you. Andrew and all the games we played together. Piper and of course. watching Bubble Guppies with both of you. Thank you, Mommy for taking time out of your busy schedule to be our tour guide and taking us to so many great sights and thank you, Daddy for all the great meals you prepared for us. Love and miss you much.

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