A Weekend of Visitors

We had a great weekend seeing lots of visitors!IMG_1637 Hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Deelo on Saturday during their visit to CA.DSC_0544 Fun times with Mr. & Mrs. KretchmarIMG_2387We did some shopping at Target today.  They had Easter hats for sale and Piper wanted to get one.  Andrew loves to do everything Piper does so he insisted on wearing one too.  He even took it to another level by finding an Easter basket and filling it up with treats while we shopped.  Too cute!  (Drew was not too thrilled with Mr. K wearing his hat for the photo above.)IMG_1642

2 thoughts on “A Weekend of Visitors

  1. We had such a wonderful and fun time visiting our California dreamers! Thank you for your gracious hospitality. We love and miss you already! Blessings+

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