Our Little Reader

Piper’s teacher is trying to get her class excited and inspired to read. She asked if anyone would like to volunteer and read to the class. Piper’s hand was the only hand that went up.  She chose the book What Makes a Rainbow and sat so confidently up in the front of the class. It was hard to hear since she talked so softly but she had no problem reading the words correctly. Afterwards the class gave her a big applause and asked her to read again next week. We couldn’t be more proud of our little girl! It’s amazing to think as a baby she was so shy but has blossomed into such a self-assured girl. It’s also remarkable to see her reading! Way to go Piper Grace!  (there is a video below.  You can’t hear here but it’s cute to watch)



3 thoughts on “Our Little Reader

  1. Wow Piper, you did such a great job of reading to the class!! We enjoyed it so much and we are also so very proud of you. I’m sure your friends all loved listening to such a cute story. I know Grandpa and I love it when you read to us!!
    As Mommy said, way to go Piper!!

    Love you sweet girl!

  2. Oh my goodness! How cute was that? You are growing up so fast,Piper. I bet you class can hardly wait for you to read to them again. Great job!
    Love you lots!

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