The Tooth Fairy

Piper’s bottom tooth has been loose for a few weeks now and last night it finally came out. She was so excited and has been showing everyone!  The Tooth Fairy came leaving her a golden coin.  It was a very special day!DSC_0472  DSC_0476The tooth pillow that has a pocket that holds the tooth for the Fairy.DSC_0477

3 thoughts on “The Tooth Fairy

  1. How exciting, Piper!! Glad that the tooth fairy was able to find you and how nice that she left a golden coin!! I’m sure that you will have more teeth loose soon.
    Love you lots!

  2. Grandpa and I were so excited to see that you lost your first tooth. You must be very happy that you had a visit from the tooth fairy too. We love your pillow. It is adorable!!

    Love you sweet girl!

  3. Congratulations on losing your first “baby” tooth, Piper Grace! It is hard to believe that you are old enough for this to happen!
    We love and miss you all+

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