First Day of Kindergarten

Piper started her first day at High Point Academy today.  She was very excited and a bit nervous but we know she will do fine.  Her teacher is Mrs. Vernon who we have seen around town over the summer making it a bit more comforting.  The first two days she will only go a half day.  Piper gave me a big hug and waved good-bye without any sadness.  We are so proud but it is all bittersweet.DSC_0747 DSC_0740 DSC_0749 Showing off her school uniform.  DSC_0751 DSC_0753 Her classroom.  The whole school is an open campus and not in a traditional building.  DSC_0756Her desk.

3 thoughts on “First Day of Kindergarten

  1. Oh Piper, you look so grown up! I love your blue jumper and white blouse. I’m sure that you are going to love kindergarten. Can’t wait to hear all about it!!
    Love you lots.

    • Piper, you look very nice for your first day of kindergarten. Hard to believe our sweet girl is so grown up!! Can’t wait to hear all about your day and your new friends. It will be such a fun year for you.

      Love you!!

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