Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa Day!

Santa was visiting the Huntington Gardens today so we stopped down to say hello.  This year Andrew was very excited to see him and he wasn’t afraid at all.  It was very sweet. Piper of course was also very excited.

Santa always makes the visit a memorable one.  He takes his time with each child talking to them about what they would like and makes other small talk.  After our visit we enjoyed some cookies and hot cocoa by the fireplace before running around in the gardens.  I must mention how cold it is here.  It’s amazing to think last week we were at the beach. Now we are bundled up.  Brrrr!!DSC_0807  DSC_0815DSC_0821 DSC_0823 Santa’s little helpers DSC_0840 DSC_0831 DSC_0833 The rose gardenDSC_0834 Over looking the Huntington’s house of residence while the sun was starting to set.

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