A Busy week

We had a very busy week and weekend hanging out with friends.  There were several playdates with our neighbors and classmates of Piper.  We also went to a birthday party, a BBQ at Piper’s friend Bella’s house and to a Super Bowl party at Jack and Mike’s.  DSC_0438 Mike, Jack and Liam had dinner with us Thursday evening.DSC_0435 IMG_3399This is a drawing that Piper did at a birthday party last week.  They gave the children step by step examples to create the picture. We were really impressed with Piper’s.IMG_3413 Being silly on Saturday morningIMG_3424At a bowling birthday party for classmate Eliana IMG_3427Piper and Karolina.  She is Piper’s good friend and the girls are two weeks apart in age.IMG_2922 Getting haircuts IMG_3428A crazy night at the super bowl party.

One thought on “A Busy week

  1. Sure did look like a busy week for all of you. Piper, your drawing is so nice. I think that you really have some talent there. And Andrew, you look so big sitting up in the chair to get your hair cut. Thanks for sharing all of your great photos.
    Love ya lots.

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