The Putting Tournament Winners!

DSC_1215This afternoon was a very exciting one for Piper and Andrew on their last day of golf.  They competed in a putting tournament within their age brackets and did really well. Piper came in first and Andrew came in third. They each received a medal and a golf ball.  We could not more proud!  Way to go!! Above is a picture of the group including all age groups and coaches.DSC_1180 They lined and numbered each hole on the putting green for the tournamentDSC_1181 DSC_1182 DSC_1185 Andrew in his group of guysDSC_1186 The pressure is on!DSC_1188 DSC_1191 The winners got to high five each coach and then received a medalDSC_1196 DSC_1198 DSC_1200 They were so excited for each otherDSC_1204 DSC_1210 DSC_1225 a close upDSC_1226

2 thoughts on “The Putting Tournament Winners!

  1. Congratulations Piper and Andrew on winning your medals! Looks like you had so much fun this week during your lessons. We loved seeing all the photos (thanks Jen) and we are very proud of you too!! Way to go!!

    Love you…

  2. Wow! Keep up the good work and you will be golfing with both of your golfing grandpas one day! Andrew, we see you are using your orange golf ball, too!
    Love and blessings+++

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