Andrew’s Spring Concert

DSC_1286Tonight we went to see Andrew sing in his school Spring concert.  (The was the same Spring concert that Piper sang in last year for preschool.) Andrew did so well!  The place was packed but he sang very confidently up on stage with his class. They sang a bubble song, did a bible verse and sang a song about the seven days of the week.  It was a very cute show.  All in total there were 244 children that performed from the school.  DSC_1284 DSC_1302 DSC_1298 DSC_1303 The circles around their necks are supposed to be bubbles.DSC_1308 DSC_1310 Andrew and his classDSC_1332The whole school

2 thoughts on “Andrew’s Spring Concert

  1. Congratulations, Andrew, on your wonderful performance! We love seeing the pictures and seeing what a big boy you have become!
    Love and blessings+++

  2. Very nice Andrew! You look like you are having a great time up there. Can’t wait to hear the bubble song. It was fun to see all the photos!! Thanks for sharing.

    Love you!

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