Last day to be 3 Years Old

DSC_1518Hard to believe Andrew will be 4 years old tomorrow.  Time goes fast!  We met some friends for ice-cream at Buster’s and then walked around the town.DSC_1510 Enjoying his ice-cream!DSC_1511 Piper and KatherineDSC_1536 Busters!DSC_1534 We discovered an enormous tree with very long roots that was great for climbing.DSC_1528 It should be mentioned that Andrew dressed himself. We think he might be setting some trends in fashion soon. LOL.DSC_1525

2 thoughts on “Last day to be 3 Years Old

  1. Andrew, you are so cool! You are the Beau Brummel of the 21st century! Happy birthday, to our darling boy! See you soon!
    Love and prayers and blessings+++

  2. Happy Birthday, Andrew! We can’t believe that you are 4!! We hope that we can celebrate with you soon.
    By the way, you look great!!
    Lots of love!

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