
Andrew had a big day today.  It all started when he woke up to a mini air-hockey table (thanks to Grandma and Grandpa).  Then he and Piper headed over to our sitter’s house for more fun.  Laura made cupcakes and had a few friends over for a party.  The kids also played in the sprinkler.  After that we went mini golfing and met Daddy for a pizza dinner at the Luggage Room.  We ended the night with more candles and presents.  He was exhausted!  We are too!!IMG_3840 Cupcakes at Laura’sIMG_3841 DSC_1562 DSC_1578 DSC_1576Piper couldn’t resist helping.

One thought on “Celebrating!

  1. Happy 4th Birthday Andrew!! You really had a wonderful day celebrating!! We loved seeing all the photos of your FUN day. Can’t wait to see you and Piper. We will have a great time!

    Love you so much!

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