
We made it back home late Wednesday night.  The kids were great on the plane and the ride seemed to go by quickly.  It was a full five hour flight too.  Now we are just regrouping, getting back into routine and dealing with the heat.

What a fun time we had back in Beaver.  Can’t wait to do it again next summer!DSC_0499

3 thoughts on “Pasadena

  1. Was so great to have you all here for such a wonderful visit. The time flew by so fast but we were able to do so many fun things together. Grandpa and I really miss our special times with both of you during your stay. Come back soon!!

    Love you!!

  2. It was so much fun watching you ride your bikes around town with Grandpa S! We really enjoyed the time you spent at our house playing cards, learning to play songs on the piano and, of course, helping Grandpa wind the clocks! We are looking forward to spending time with you when we visit in California next week.
    Much love always++++

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