Relaxing Day in La Quinta

We enjoyed another day with the Kretchmar’s while they are out in La Quinta.  The weather was pretty hot so spent most of our time in the pool.  After lunch we played a fun card game with G.G. Rose.  Before we left town we checked out a new date place called Shields.  The had delicious date shakes!  IMG_5357_2 IMG_5365 Lovely ladies!IMG_5360 IMG_5374_2 IMG_5368 Posing in her new dress at ShieldsIMG_5377Someone was pretty worn out by all the fun

2 thoughts on “Relaxing Day in La Quinta

  1. How nice it is that you are having fun with the Kretchmars in such a beautiful place! Piper, your dress is so pretty! Be sure to bring it with you when you visit in Beaver this summer! Andrew, you are quite the water guy, aren’t you?
    Much love++++

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