Birthday Tea Party

Piper and Andrew had a little birthday tea for me this afternoon.  Piper is just the sweetest. She really gets into birthdays no matter who is celebrating.IMG_5790IMG_5794IMG_5796IMG_5801IMG_5788 This is the cake that Piper and Daddy made. Delicious!IMG_5798Kitty was even at the tea

3 thoughts on “Birthday Tea Party

  1. Piper, what a great idea to have a birthday tea party for mommy. Looks like you and Andrew had fun setting it up. It all looks beautiful and yummy!
    Happy Birthday Jen!! Hope you have a great day tomorrow celebrating.

    Love you all so much!

  2. What a lovely idea! We love tea parties, too! Have a happy birthday, Jen!
    We know you will with such fun people around to help you celebrate!
    Love and blessings+++

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