Last Day of 1st Grade!!

It was a great last day of school for Piper.  After school was over they had a Mad Science party and then we hung out at Nathan’s house.  The strange part about the day is that it rained.  Who would have thought in June!?    DSC_0341IMG_6295 Piper and her classDSC_0351 With Francesca and EllaDSC_0348 (1) With NathanIMG_6294With KatherineDSC_0339 Jad, Piper, Cory, Ava Kate and AurixIMG_6297 Both 1st grade classesDSC_0337 (1) DSC_0346DSC_0325 (1)

2 thoughts on “Last Day of 1st Grade!!

  1. You have grown up in so many ways this past year, Piper! We hope you have a wonderful summer and are looking forward to seeing you and Andrew in Beaver soon!
    Love and blessings+++

  2. Piper, it’s hard to believe that you are going to second grade already. We are so proud of you! It is so exciting that you, Andrew and Mommy are coming to Beaver soon. We will have so much fun!!

    Love you sweet girl!

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