1st Day of Summer School

Piper went to her first day of summer school today. 

She couldn’t wait to go too!  What a difference a year makes.  When I dropped her off she told me it was time for me to go.  There were no tears just excitement to be doing this on her own.  The director told me she was meant for school after her first day.  We hope this enthusiasm keeps up.  Piper will attend a fun filled summer program for 7 weeks.  It was meant to make the fall transition easier but she already seems ready.

2 thoughts on “1st Day of Summer School

  1. Oh my goodness!!! It’s hard to believe that you are ready for preschool already, Piper. You look so grown up and I love your backpack!!! Hope your enthusiasm for school continues throughout your life. Have fun!!
    Love ya lots,

  2. Piper, you look so grown-up with your ladybug backpack! It is hard to believe you are in school already! We know you will have such fun!
    Love and blessings+

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