Piper the Busy Bee

Piper has been very busy lately.  She got her haircut this week. Then had fun at her mommy and me class on Wednesday.  This week’s theme was making music.  She’s also been busy playing with Grandma and Grandpa.  Oh we can’t forget the daily walks she takes Desmond on and going to the park.  Piper is always on the go!

at the mommy and me class playing the triangle

we pretended it was Grandpa’s birthday.  Piper loves singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles

2 thoughts on “Piper the Busy Bee

  1. Piper, I just love your new hairstyle.  It makes you look all grown up.  I’m so glad that you and grandma and grandpa Snitger are having so much fun.  Take good care of Desmond.

    Love ya

  2. Piper, we LOVE your new "do"! How big you are getting! Have fun with Grandma and Grandpa  Snitger and Desmond!
    Love and blessings+

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