Last Week of Summer

We’ve been enjoying our last week of summer by seeing lots of friends (no photos to share).  We had a playdate with Francesca, Nathan, and our old babysitter Laura.  Milo and Noemi also spent a day with us while their mom was at work.  It’s a nice trade because their mom will watch Piper and Andrew for us.  We’ve also been doing lots of bike riding and going to our favorite places.  IMG_0933 Family mini golf outingIMG_0931 IMG_0968 riding around the neighborhoodIMG_0967 making ladybug rocksIMG_0935visiting the libraryIMG_0949Riding to their friends house for a playdate while mom and dad get a date night.  We watch each others kids so we can all have breaks like this.  It’s wonderful!!

One thought on “Last Week of Summer

  1. Loved seeing all these great photos of our sweet Piper and Andrew! You have done so many fun things this past week. Your ladybug rocks are awesome!

    Love you!!

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