
The kids, daddy and Grandma helped mommy celebrate her birthday.  We met daddy for lunch by his work.  Then we had a wonderful dinner together with cake and presents.  Piper loved being a part of it all.  She made birthday crowns for everyone to wear and a pretty picture for mommy. 

6 thoughts on “Celebrating   

  1. Happy Birthday again Jen.  It sounded like you had a great day. Piper did a wonderful job with her sign and crowns. What a big girl she has become. Andrew is getting so big and now he is on the move. I love the family picture of you guys. Can’t wait to join Grandma and be with you.

    Love you and Happy Birthday again,

  2. A belated Happy Birthday to you Jenn!!! The pictures are great and I especially love the crowns and picture that Piper made for you.  I’m sure they mean more to you than any present.  Hope you had a great day!!!!

    Love ya

  3. These photos are wonderful! Both of the kids are just adorable! It looks like you had a great birthday celebration. I’m sure that you are having a terrific time with Grandma.
    Love ya lots

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