A Special Birthday

This birthday was special because Grandma was here to help celebrate.  The kids greeted me with breakfast, presents and lots of cards in the morning.  Then we had a delicious lunch in Carpinteria followed by an afternoon at the beach.  I couldn’t have asked for a better day. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and greetings.  That also made my day!  View at lunch Piper made me crepes and eggs for breakfast.  What a treat! Andrew decorated a cake for meHomemade cards

2 thoughts on “A Special Birthday

  1. Oh Jen, how special! The crepes and eggs look amazing – I bet they were delicious! and how sweet were your cards. Two special kiddos love their special Mommy!
    Love you lots.

  2. How much fun you all had celebrating! Thank you for sharing with the rest of us in the wonderful, happy pictures1
    Love and blessings+++

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