Our Colorado Aventure

We finally made it to Colorado and are settling in. We’ve been exploring this adorable neighborhood and finding lots of gems.  The section we are at has a cute Italian restaurant that we can walk to.  It’s been fun walking there after dinner to get gelato.  We are also checking out the 5 pools that we have access to this week.  So far so good!  The weather has been really great.  It’s been sunny but in the afternoons we get a pop up rain shower.  It’s like living in Florida without the humidity.  We feel good about being here and can’t wait to do more.  Our fingers are crossed we find a home soon! Walking trail through Central Park. Hanging out at The Stanley which is an old hanger they made into shops and restaurants. A cute park called Constellation Park that is within walking distance to our townhouse. Aviator Pool  Having some gelato at Mici’s.Adorable homes on our walk home.

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