9 Months Old!!!

Our little guy is 9 months old today.  Andrew has changed so much since he was born but is still sweet and pleasant.  He smiles for everyone he sees.  Also gets very excited to see the babysitter which makes mommy feel good. 

At this stage Andrew is so busy.  We can put him on the floor and he will entertain himself with all his toys.  He’s so quiet about it too.  His main way of getting around is by rolling. It’s amazing how far he can get in the blink of an eye.  Recently he has started to get up on his knees.  We have to be careful when we carry him because he will propel his body towards something that’s a must have.  Solid foods are still a favorite.  An important part of his day is eating his cereal, fruits, veggies and now Cheerios.  He loves standing and is starting to pull himself up.  Still no signs of teeth.  If he’s anything like Piper it will be around 10 months. Andrew adores his sister and the feeling is mutual between the kids.  We love to hear them make each other laugh. 

We’ve said it before and we will say it lots of times again…we are truly blessed to have two terrific kids!   

Piper at 9 months                                              Andrew at 9 months

2 thoughts on “9 Months Old!!!

  1. Wow Andrew!!  You are growing so fast.  it’s hard to believe you are 9 months already.  We too are so blessed to have such sweet grandchildren and we love you so much.  

    Hugs and Kisses!

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