Snow Day!

We woke up to lots of fresh snow this morning and couldn’t wait to get out and play.  Above is the view from the cabin.

Today we drove around exploring the area, went sledding and played at the park on the beach.  It was very chilly today.

photo taken from the car.  Snow is pretty exciting to us since we never get to see it.

photos over looking the lake

sledding in the snow

keeping warm at the beach.  it was very chilly and windy today.

sunset at the beach

3 thoughts on “Snow Day!

  1. What gorgeous photos of your trip to Tahoe!!   Looks like you all had a fun time! . Andrew is seeing his first snow and Piper sure is having a great time sledding.  Thanks for sharing.

    Love you!!

  2. The photos of your trip are beautiful. Looks like all of you had a great time. How nice that your were able to get away for a few days. Thanks for sharing the photos. Love ya lots.

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