8 Months Old!

We can’t believe Andrew is 8 months old already.  How did this happen?!  Where did the time go?!  Time moves so much faster with the second baby.

Andrew is getting very strong at sitting up.  He will reach for objects out of his grasp without falling over.  He’s also loves rolling to get places.  We will leave him for a split second and he’s already rolled halfway across the room.  Eating solid food is one of his favorite things to do along with playing in his exersaucers.  He also loves sleeping on his tummy.  Piper is still the number one girl in his life besides mommy.  He just lights up when he sees her and wants to do everything she is doing.   Drew is finally saying da-dah instead of the happy growling noises.  This is just a fun time and we know it’s only going to get better!

Below is a comparison photo of Piper and Andrew. 

Piper at 8 months                                                Andrew at 8 months

One thought on “8 Months Old!

  1. Happy 8 months Drew! Love the comparison photo of Piper at your age. You are growing up to be such a strong and handsome young man! Keep having fun!

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