Bald Eagles at Barr Lake

Went to Barr Lake to see the Bald Eagles that have stopped by on their migration South.  There must have been at least 50 of them around the lake.  It was amazing to watch them fly around looking for fish in the lake and see them so close perched in the trees.  They have a pair that nest there year round.  The nest is massive in size even from far away.

 Eagle’s nest in the distanceThey fish in the lake A bunch hanging out in the trees

One thought on “Bald Eagles at Barr Lake

  1. Wow! It really is awesome to have such a wonderful sanctuary so close to your home! You are counting bald eagles and we are counting construction cranes at the Shell site across the river from us! There are about 50 of them there, too!
    Love and blessings+++

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