Advocacy Presentation

The second grade is studying Advocacy and for this each student picked a cause they wanted to change.  A few months back Andrew studied the migration of walruses and learned how quickly glaciers are melting.  So he wanted to bring attention to Global Warming which was his topic. He worked very hard researching, gathering facts and finding ways everyone can help.  He wrote a speech all by himself and did a great job presenting his work to the parents.  As part of his advocacy, Andrew also came up with the idea to have a bike or walk to school day in celebration of Earth Day.  The principal was excited about his idea and let him make an announcement to the school and sent an email announcement to the parents. Nice job Andrew!   Andrew’s presentation about Global Warming.  Making the announcement to the school. His class pledged to bike or walk to school on Earth day. Inspiring the school to do their part.His written presentation

3 thoughts on “Advocacy Presentation

  1. Wow!! What an excellent report! You really put a lot of work into it. And I loved the idea of walking or biking to school. Very nice job, Andrew! You should be very proud of this! You too, Mom!!

  2. Wow! What an amazing and thoughtful project, Andrew!
    Do we have a future teacher in the making?!?
    Love and blessings+++

  3. Andrew, you did an amazing job! You worked hard on your report and it shows! We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work! Thanks for sharing too because we really enjoyed reading all about your project.

    Love you,
    Grandma and Grandpa

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