Summer Nights in January?

The weather has been feeling more like summertime with it being unseasonable warm.  Tonight the kids played a bit in the yard before dinner.  Piper just loves playing baseball and Andrew just loves watching what she does. 

Grandpa taught Piper how to stand and hit the ball while he was out.  She still goes through her routine saying bat on shoulder, hands together, step and swing each time.  Grandpa should be proud!

Wishing you were here….

One thought on “Summer Nights in January?

  1. Dear Piper and Andrew,

    Grandma and I sure miss you guys.  We had a great visit and enjoyed our time with you.  I am glad you are still having fun playing baseball and golf.  You look like a real pro ready to hit the ball.  Soon you will be giving Andrew lessons on hitting the baseball. Can’t wait to be with you again.    Love ya,  Grandpa

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