Ellis Island Simulation

The 3rd graders participated in an Ellis Island Simulation as part of the IB program. They were each assigned a name with a description of their character. Andrew was a farmer from Norway named Sven Anderson. His name was changed to Sam after he was allowed into the U.S. and he got a train ticket to Minneapolis.

Sven having his passport looked at and getting his new name. He moved on to a waiting area before being checked by the health department. Thank goodness he was in good health to avoid being deported.
Another station the immigrants had to visit before getting a train ticket to their new home.
Exchanging his money to U.S. dollars
Yes! Welcome to America!

2 thoughts on “Ellis Island Simulation

  1. What a neat experience for you, Andrew! We are glad “Sven/Sam” was in good health, but usually they put people who were sick in the Ellis Island Quarantine Infirmary until they were better. We will have to tell you and Piper the stories of your Great-Great- Grandparents who came through Ellis Island and New Orleans from Italy, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia and Germany back in the late 1800s and early 1900s.. All of them were brave and good people that you can be very proud of!
    Much love to all+++

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