Winter Park Weekend

We drove up to Winter Park in the late afternoon on Sunday to avoid the traffic and skied on Monday. We found a last minute deal and stayed in the Village. It was fun to be right there! Monday was a gorgeous day to ski! Just blue skies, no crowds and no wind.

Grabbing a snack at our favorite place The Waffle Cabin. Nothing beats enjoying a fresh warm waffle right on the slopes.
Taking the Gondola up for the last run of the day.
Piper skied a Blue/Black Hill which was a challenge for her. She did great!
That little speck is Piper with the Village in the background. It was so nice to ski without the crowds.

2 thoughts on “Winter Park Weekend

  1. You live in such a wonderful part of the country! We really enjoy seeing all of your pictures and sharing in your remarkable activities!
    Love and blessings+++

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