Birthday Celebration

We took a drive to Estes Park to have lunch by a lake! We supported our favorite pie shop and had pies and fries. Not very healthy but it is a birthday. While we were there we saw a ton of wildlife that included Elk, Bald Eagles, Deer and Long Horn Sheep. It was the perfect day!
Skipping rocks
View from lunch
Bald Eagle sighting
Long Horn Sheep
Quarantine beard…

2 thoughts on “Birthday Celebration

  1. Your birthday was a happy one for sure!!! Loved seeing the pics of all of you enjoying the gorgeous setting at Estes Park. And to celebrate with pie and fries sounds amazing! We have enjoyed our trips up there with you and hope we can do it again soon…. Thanks for sending us the photos of your Happy Birthday and sharing your day with us. We sure do miss all of you!

    Love you so much!

  2. So glad you went to Estes Park! What a wonderful little town! We are happy to hear you got the pies and fries you “ needed”, too!
    Happy birthday, again, dear Jen!
    Love and blessings ++++

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