Merry Christmas

What a fun morning we had with the kids.  It was so special to celebrate Andrew’s first Christmas.  Piper enjoyed opening up gifts from Santa but she still doesn’t understand who he is.  All she asked for was a flashlight and Santa brought her a pink one.  She was thrilled!  Piper was also excited to receive a tricycle, fishing set and tee-ball.  Andrew just loved playing with all the wrapping paper.  Later that evening we enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner.

trying out my new fishing poles

No need for Grandpa to wait for Drew to play baseball.  Piper already loves it!!  She played tee-ball all afternoon long with him and can really hit the ball!

Drew having fun with the paper

2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

  1. Sorry that it took so long to finally get on and comment. It sure looks like you all had a very Merry Christmas and that Santa was able to find your house. What fun for Grandpa to have someone to play baseball with him! So glad that Grandma and Grandpa were there to celebrate with all of you but especially for Andrew’s 1st Christmas.

  2. What a great swing you have, Piper! We are so happy to see all of the fun you and Andrew have been having! Hopefully, we will SKYPE soon! Love you!

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