5 Month Doctor Check-up

Andrew saw the doctor this morning for his 5 month check-up.  He weighs 16lbs, 30z and is 27 inches long.  That keeps him in the 90% for height and 50% for weight.  The doctor thought he looked great.  He did have to get 2 shots but did really well with them.  We get to start solids foods now which should be fun. 

3 thoughts on “5 Month Doctor Check-up

  1. So glad you had a good check-up at the doctors.  You really are growing so fast and changing so much.  We really enjoy seeing the photos of you and Piper on the blog.  

    Love you !!

  2. I can’t believe how much you have grown since you were here in Oct., Andrew. Your smile brightens up the whole room. Hugs and kisses.
    Love ya lots.

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