Safely Back Home

Piper, Andrew and mommy made it safely back to Pasadena today.  The kids did wonderful on the flight.  Andrew was a perfect angel!  Piper was also very good although the 5 hour flight to Vegas was a little long.  It was nice we had a brief layover before we finally landed at home.  Both kids were thrilled to see daddy and are all settling back in.  Hopefully everyone sleeps well tonight.

We had such a great time on our visit.  It’s just a shame the time has to go so fast!

More tomorrow….

Happy Halloween!

2 thoughts on “Safely Back Home

  1. It was such fun having you all home to visit, and just knowing you were right up the street gave us a great feeling! We are so happy that the flight went well. Love and miss you+

  2. We’re so glad that you made it back safely and that Piper and Andrew were so good for you. We loved having you here and getting to know Andrew and playing with sweet Piper. Eli, Micah and I will miss our Wed afternoon playtimes.
    Love ya lots.

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