
Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

arranging the candles for Grandpa’s cake

4 thoughts on “Celebrating

  1. Aunt Susie is right….these pictures are priceless.  What great birthday presents for Grandpa having both of his grandchildren on his lap.   Happy Birthday to Ed!!!

  2. Dave, Jen, Piper and Andrew,

    Congratulations!! We are so happy for you.  It sounds and looks like Piper is loving being a big sister, Andrew is so lucky.  Micah is a little jealous :).  Andrew is adorable and we love the pictures….thanks for all the updates.  

    Jen, Kevin, Eli and Micah 🙂

  3. Looks like Grandpa had a great day of celebrating. Enjoy the rest of your time together. Looks like Andrew has grown already – these photos are just precious.

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