At Home

We are settling in at home as our family of four.  Piper has made a great transition.  Aunt Becca was here with her Saturday and Sunday.  Then the babysitter kept her busy Monday making cookies for mommy and a welcome home sign.  Finally Grandma arrived on Tuesday to take care of everyone.  She’s been very busy being entertained and loves being a big sister. 

Andrew has settled in nicely too.  We went for his first checkup today with the doctor.  He weighed 7lbs 2oz and is almost back to his birth weight.  The doctor thought he looked great! 

We are all a little sleep deprived but are enjoying every moment together.

all dressed and waiting to go home

Grandma enjoying her precious grandson

5 thoughts on “At Home

  1. What a beautiful, perfect little boy!!!   He even looks like an Andrew.  Enjoy your time together and with grandma Snitger.  You are a beautiful family.


  2. Yeah!!!  Congratulations to your new family of four!  Andrew James is a beautiful, strong name for such a handsome little guy.  Guess you need that "baby’s 1st 4th of July" onezie afterall!  🙂  I am thrilled to hear things went quickly and well for you.  Settle in and I will be in touch soon my friend.

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