Photos from our week in Beaver

Piper had so much fun visiting back in Beaver.  She was a very busy bee!  It’s just too bad there is never enough time to see everyone and do everything. 

getting another haircut and a lollypop for being so good.

taking a bike ride to the park

the Linn Park and Two Mile Run

Piper spent lots of time watering the flowers and plants

having fun with Grandma

taking baby on a walk

Brady’s Run Park


Playing with Eli

Seesaw with Titan

At Tyler’s birthday party

One thought on “Photos from our week in Beaver

  1. It was so much fun having you and Mommy here to visit with us.  We loved playing with you and doing so many activities. Can’t believe how fast you are growing and it was great  to see  all the things you can do now.   You are such a sweet girl and we love you so much!!  

    Come back soon!!!   We miss you already!

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