Our Exciting News

We wanted to announce Piper is going to be a big sister this summer.  Today we found out our new addition is going to be a BOY!  Piper adores other babies so she will be thrilled to have one of her own.  We know she is going to be a big help to mommy and daddy once the little guy arrives.  So far everything looks great at the half way point.  We will keep everyone posted on the progress.

5 thoughts on “Our Exciting News

  1. What terrific news!!!  Piper will love having a baby brother and we know she will be a big help to mommy and daddy.  We are very excited too and it will be fun to have  a little boy in the family along with sweet Piper.  Can’t wait to meet him!!

  2. Congratulations! I love watching Piper grow up on this blog. And now a new addition. Luke and I should find out about our baby in a few weeks. Can’t wait!! Enjoy number 2.

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