Piper’s 3rd Christmas

Piper had a wonderful Christmas in Beaver.   She spent Christmas Eve having dinner with the cousin Deelo boys.  Then she visited more of daddy’s family at Aunt Barbie and Uncle Frank’s house.  Christmas morning was fun opening up gifts from Santa although she wasn’t that into the presents this year.  We had Christmas dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Deelo’s house with the whole gang.  It’s too bad it rained all day instead of snowing.  But we are very happy to have seen snow earlier in the week. 

Thanks to everyone for making Piper’s holiday so special!

too busy to pose in my Christmas dress

dancing with Grandpa

birthday cake for daddy

2 thoughts on “Piper’s 3rd Christmas

  1. Piper, we were so glad that you, mommy and daddy came home to Beaver  for  Christmas this year.  We had a great time and we were especially glad you were able to play in the snow.  Thanks for making our Christmas so special this year!!!

    Love you!

  2. I seriously think Piper should always wear a santa hat…she can pull off anything! such a beautiful girl! we love you sweetie and will hopefully see you the next time you visit PA!

    Biss Family

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