Weekly Round Up

We sadly said good-bye to Grandpa this week.  Piper will miss her buddy along with our cat who was spoiled by Grandpa.  Thanks, Grandpa!  Please come back soon!

Both kids have been fighting bad colds.  Andrew had his first ear infection.  Although he’s not himself it’s not keeping him down.

This was Andrew when we got him up from a nap a few days ago.  He managed to take his whole pajamas off and was so proud.

Cruising the neighborhood in his shades

One thought on “Weekly Round Up

  1. What a great time I had with you Piper.  I miss you already and can’t wait until we see each other again.  We had so much fun getting up together and drawing pictures before everyone else got up.  Have fun riding your bike so we can ride together when I come back.  Help Mommy take care of Andrew and give Kitty a pat for me.
      Love ya,  Grandpa

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