Sad Goodbye

Piper was very sad to see her Grandpa go yesterday.  During his stay she attached herself to him and wouldn’t let him out of her sight.  He practically took the place of “mommy”.  She has asked for him numerous times since he’s left and even woke up this morning asking for “Grandpa”.   He is such a special part of her life. 

Grandpa, we can’t thank you enough for all your help on the move and taking such great care of Piper during your stay.  She is so lucky to have you.  We hope to see you very soon!

trying to pack myself in Grandpa’s bag

filling up our bird bath

showing Grandpa around

2 thoughts on “Sad Goodbye

  1. Dear Piper,
    I had such a wonderful time with you.  We had so much fun playing in   your new room and taking walks around your new neighborhood.  I miss you already and can’t wait till we are together again. I really wish I could have packed you in my suitcase and brought you home with me.  Be good for your Mommy and Daddy. I love you very much and hope we can be together very soon.

    Love you more, Grandpa S

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