Happy Easter!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Holiday.  Piper enjoyed her day by waking up to two special baskets left by the Easter Bunny.  She was very happy to find eggs filled with her favorite snacks, a neat book that plays music and other fun stuff.  Later that afternoon Aunt Becca came over for dinner.  She also brought a fun basket filled with neat things!  The girls had so fun much hanging out and blowing bubbles together! 

Nighty Night

2 thoughts on “Happy Easter!

  1. Piper and Auntie Becca look so lovely in their Easter dresses!
    We are happy to hear that you all had such a happy day!
    Love and blessings+

  2. Piper, you are so lucky to have such a wonderful Auntie Becca! I remember when she was YOUR age! I think we blew a few bubbles together, too! Enjoy!

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