A Surprise for Piper

Piper woke up to see Grandma sleeping in her room this morning.  What a surprise!  We weren’t sure how Piper would react but she was very excited and started talking right away.   She held up each toy in her crib and named them for Grandma.  After many hugs and kisses they played in Grandma’s bed and read stories. Later that morning Piper took Grandma to her toddler group at the park.  After that they had a great lunch in Sierra Madre What fun! 

2 thoughts on “A Surprise for Piper

  1. I’m not sure who was more excited, Grandma or Piper to see each other.  How lucky you are Piper to have grandma come visit you so often.  These are memories you will never forget.

    Love ya

  2. Oh, Piper, what fun to wake up and find Grandma sleeping in your room. You all are going to have so many things to talk about and so many places to go. Have a great time!
    Love ya lots.

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