Our Favorite Things

Reading:  Piper still loves to read only now she will bring us the book wanting to sit on our lap to hear it.  It melts our hearts when she does this.

Receiving kisses:  Piper loves to give out kisses.  She even has the smack sound effect down! So precious.

Mimicking us:  The other night while she was eating dinner she said HOT then blew on her food before popping it into her mouth.  She likes to clean up the tray on her highchair and also loves to make silly sound effects noises.

Playtime: now she’ll play by herself which is such a wonderful thing. Sometimes we’ll find her in her room talking up a storm to her stuffed animal friends.

Our little girl is growing up!

2 thoughts on “Our Favorite Things

  1. Piper,  Grandpa and I have a few favorite things too.   We love when we can talk to you on iSight and see how you smile and blow kisses to us.   It’s fun to watch you dance to music and hear you say all your new words.  We have even pretended to  share a cheerio or two!  We think you are quite amazing and it’s been great watching you grow.  

      We love you!

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