17 Months Old

We can’t believe our little one is almost a year and a half!  Piper is so much fun!  We love every moment not wanting each stage to pass only to find out the next phase is just as great.  We’re so fortunate to have such a great little girl.

Unfortunately, Piper is sick with an ear infection.  She took a trip to the doctors on Wednesday after developing a fever Tuesday.  She’s getting better and should be back close to 100% by Saturday. 

Below are some photos of Piper feeding Miss Dolly and friends.

2 thoughts on “17 Months Old

  1. Good morning, dear ones!
    We had such a wonderful visit with all of our loved ones on the Left Coast last weekend! Our little granddaughter is delightful and loving and gorgeous, just like her Mom and Dad! Love and blessings+

  2. Piper,
         So sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling well.  I bet mommy and daddy are taking  good care of you while you rest and get better.
         You are growing so fast!!  Hard to believe it’s almost a year and a half since you arrived.  We feel so blessed to have you sweet girl!

       Lots of love!!

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