A Rainy Day

It rained pretty much all day today.  We were able to go outside for a bit in between the storms.  Piper loved playing in the mud puddles.

my hair is getting so long!

3 thoughts on “A Rainy Day

  1. I don’t know where Mommy finds all of your hats but each one is cuter than the last one. Your sweatshirt jacket  is pretty cool, as well. Have fun and stay dry.
    Love ya lots.

  2. Hey Piper, your cousins Beth, Dan and Bill and I love mud puddles, too! We see a lot of them in Pennsylvania! You really look wonderful in hats!

  3. Piper,
      We love you hat!!  You look adorable.  Can’t believe how fast you are growing and how much you are learning.  
       Love you!

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