We Made It!

Piper and mommy had a nice uneventful flight back to Pasadena.  Whew!!  Even though Piper is such a busy bee she was really great on the flight (as she has been on every flight we’ve taken).  She even fit in a nap this time.

Daddy was there to greet us and Piper was so excited to see him.  After he got home from work Piper wouldn’t let him out of her sight.  It’s great to be back with daddy. 

What a wonderful trip!  We would like to thank everyone for making it special for Piper.  Looking forward to another visit in the near future.

2 thoughts on “We Made It!

  1. It was wonderful being able to see Mommy and Piper often these past two weeks! We had wonderful visits and look forward to being with you and Daddy next time!
    Love and blessings+

  2. Hi Piper,

    It was so great seeing and playing with you while you were home.  You have grown so much in just a few short months and to see you walk all by yourself means that you are growing way too fast.   Jen, it was great seeing you also and you have done such a wonderful job with Piper.  Can’t wait to see you again.

    Love ya,

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