Hurray for the weekend!   

Weekends are such a special time for us all to be together.  We cherish every moment of the day and can’t get enough of our sweet girl!  Today was very relaxing day because we didn’t have to go anywhere.  It was nice being able to have more time to play and enjoy it all. 

2 thoughts on “Hurray for the weekend!   

  1. hey there pretty lady-

    i can’t remember if i told you i like younger women?

    miss u…see u in September!

    Tyler "the stud" Biss

  2. oh goodness…looks like tyler has been using my computer again! emailing and texting people all the time!

    It’s funny when I had this page up…he has been saying ‘baby’ and pointing to piper’s photo then right after saying ‘baby’ he says ‘want this’.

    Nice…he is learning early! i’ve got to keep my eye on this one!


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