Our love muffin

Piper is taking nicely to her new nanny, Jeannette.  She is very easy going and has very curly hair that Piper loves to play.  They seem to get along great together which is comforting to know she’s in good hands.

When we get home from work, Piper gets so excited to see us.  It’s a wonderful feeling to walk in and see her smiling face.  Tonight, she enjoyed a ride on daddy’s shoulders where she played the drum on his head.  See the photos below.

One thought on “Our love muffin

  1. We are so glad you made it safely back home to Pasadena.  Was wonderful to see you and of course we miss you all so much already.

    The pictures have been great and they make us feel like we are almost there with you. :You are growing so fast sweet Piper and learning so many new things. What fun!!!

    Love you!

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