Cool in the Pool

After a nice long walk around the Rose Bowl, Piper cooled off in her pool.  She loves splashing and getting everything and everyone all wet.  It’s so cute to see her in her mini-bathing suit and mini-sunglasses.

Piper was hoping to see her Grandpa & Grandma Deelo another time before they make the journey to Beaver tomorrow but time ran out for them.  Hope they have a safe trip home and we’ll see them really soon.

5 thoughts on “Cool in the Pool

  1. Piper,

    Love those shades and swim suit.  Tell mommy to bring them with you when you come to visit.  I have the spa all ready for you to take a dip in.  
    We can’t wait to see all of you.

    Love,  Grandpa S

  2. Piper, You look so adorable in your shades!  I bet you love being in your pool with those HOT temps you are having.  
    I do miss seeing you but I loved the time I spent  with you, mommy  and daddy everyday. So many nice memories.   What a great family you all are !!  

    We love you!

  3. Piper-
    Mommy was correct when she said that "time ran out" for us in California when it came to seeing you one more time before we left last night.
    We were happy to have been able to meet Auntie Becca on the set at Sony and have lunch with Daddy in Culver City yesterday!
    We will see you all soon! We LOVE the shades!
    Love and blessings+

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